[[JM and Matt drive in a car. JM is driving. We see things through Matt's window. Matt is turning off his cell phone.]]
Matt's cell phone: <<BEEP>>
Matt: Okay, I got it straightened out. The insurance will kick in again next week.
JM: You gonna be okay until then?
[[Matt rests his head on his right hand and his elbow on his door window. We see him from JM's POV.]]
Matt: Dunno. If you go off of this stuff you're supposed to step down the dosage gradually or you get a lot of side effects. I was on a reduced dose just now, though, so maybe...[[Matt looks worried.]]
Matt: Uh...
[[We see Matt as if we were a fly on JM's sunglasses. JM's face looks huge.]]
Matt: Did the whole world just go magnify and go WHUMM?
JM: No.
Matt: Then the next few days are going to be very unpleasant.