[[The machines form the Matrix are shown.]]
Prime Unit Alpha: hoo hoo hoo! i chortle in a simulation of humor! once
the humans are enslaved, we shall use their bodies to harvest all the
energy we need!
Matrix machine 2: about that plan, prime unit alpha... i compute that we
cannot possibly get more energy out of the humans than it will take to
keep them alive, let alone the cost of hooking them up to a simulated
Matrix machine 2: i am aware we are using this with a form of fusion,
but why do we not just kill the humans and keep the fusion? or colonize
another planet where the sun shines? or...
[[Prime Unit Alpha shoots Matrix machine 2 with a very advanced laser.]]
[[Ian and JM are shown in a movie theater.]]
Ian: I'm just full of good ideas today.
JM: I wonder if anyone's going to try acting in this one.